Thursday, October 25, 2012

Earthship Tour

Well, my Earthship tour has come to an end for the year and it has been quite the eventful year. I had an incredible time at the Earthship Academy as well as my interning opportunities in Northern New Mexico, Vermont and New York State. The Three Day Earthship seminar held at the ROM was a great success, it gave people from all over Canada the opportunity to listen to Mike Reynolds speak in person and it gave me an opportunity to demonstrate my newly aquired skillls to a large group of people. My goal now is to work towards buying a piece of land and starting to build my own Earthship, which I know now is possible.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Earthship Biotecture Academy Week 1

My experience at the Earthship Biotecture Academy so far has been incredible. I've already toured many beautiful Earthships around Taos, slept in an Earthship 9000ft. above sea level on the side of a mountain, listened to three captivating Michael Reynolds lectures, accumulated a ton of useful information on how to build my own Earthship and met many intelligent, interesting and motivated people from all around the world.

There are so many noteworthy things happening everyday it would be impossible to document them all, so I've decided to focus on documenting the focal point of our Earthship Academy Spring Session: building the first ever Simple Survival Model Earthship from the ground up.

Day 1: We layed out our jobsite with string lines to determine where our first tires would go. We oriented the building 15 degrees East of South to allow for maximum solar gain - that's the optimal position for a building at our latitude. Once all of our string lines were square we began pounding tires which was exhausting at first, but you quickly learn how to make the 8lb. sledgehammer do all the work.

Day 3: We continued pounding tires - ensuring that they were level with themselves and their neighbours beside them - and made space for our cooling tube at the back of the building which we installed at a slight pitch running away from the building.

Day 5: We pounded our last course of tires, hooked up the cistern, installed the thermal wrap behind the tire wall and "packed out" the gaps between the tires with concrete and recycled bottles.

We project that the building will be complete in 5 weeks and when it's done it will look like this

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Northern New Mexico Global Model Earthship Build

From May - June 2012 I will be in Northern New Mexico working alongside the Earthship crew on a Global Model Earthship Build. I'm excited but it's going to be sweltering!

Earthship Academy Update

Finally, it's almost time.

In a couple weeks I'll be flying down to New Mexico to begin my training at the Earthship Academy. I'm very excited to learn new skills, meet interesting people from around the world, and share exciting ideas about the possibilities for this way of living.

On March 1st at 10am we have a 2 hour tour of the Greater World Community and from there we will go to our assigned houses and have the rest of the day to explore Taos. I'll be staying in The Canon, which is the first house that Michael Reynolds ever built. It's made of can "bricks" and was the initial inspiration for the Earthship concept and is only a 15 minute walk away from the historic Taos Plaza

I'll be updating my blog regularly with video, pictures and details of our daily happenings.

The Canon